The Healing Power of Trees
Standing like a tree, roots sinking down deep into the Earth, source of our food, branches stretching toward the sun that nourishes and revivifies, leaved poised to drink in the
Imagine the World You’d Love to Live In
Making our way through challenging days, it can be tough to take even a moment to imagine the world we’d love to live in. Since we’re much more likely to
The Gift of Being Ourselves
One morning years ago, driving into town from the country, I found myself feeling at one with my surroundings. The cornfields flanking the road, faded asphalt, lively bright sky overhead:
Bending with the Winds of Change
When unseasonal weather patterns hit, and the economy’s boat is rocking, and social structures shift, and the computer keeps demanding that you change your password…all this change can stimulate an
Befriending Ourselves When in Pain
So many of us have been taught to turn a deaf ear to our own pain, to toughen up, “bite the bullet” and soldier on. In Dr. Elizabeth Stanley’s groundbreaking